Monday, June 2, 2008


I guess it is just one of those days. After all my bitchin' about the lack of sunshine we finally today have had sun all day. Not a cloud to be seen. So what is my problemo? Really, sometimes I think I may be just a chip off the old block(my Grandmother was a manic-depressed person). I just hope not! Well, on the more cheerful note. All the pups are wonderful today, my partner Jim had a nice bike ride, dinner is simmering on the stove top and yes, the sun is still shining brightly.
I actually know what the 'problemo " back injury is very sore today. Stiff & sore and it just gets to me sometimes till I can think of nothing happy. Only the pain. I promice to be a nicer, kinder, more happy Sam tomorrow. CIAO

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