Friday, June 6, 2008

like a fryin' pan

so last week it was so cold & damp that many of us had to crank our furnaces on (35 degrees) and is almost 90degrees. Go figure! Jim & I walked 3 of the pups early cuz we just knew it would be tooooo much very soon and as it was I thought Frodo was going to pull a sit-down strike about half way around the block. Luckily for me he did not cuz I too was poopin' out fast. Thank you for central air! I have it at 67 and the house it perfect. Jim has clients all day(till 8:30pm) so it is me and the pups and a good book.
Well, I felt I must touch base here and write about my soooo exciting life. Have a wonderful one........ciao!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Top of the mornin' to ya

it is cloudy but at least we finally got some much need rain. I peeked out into our garden and saw 7 yes 7 Caster bean plantets poppin up. I had almost given up on them since in the past Jim and I would start the beans in the house and then transplant the 3 in plant. This year we planted the beans directly into the garden and waited.....and waited and almost had given up. Yeah~
Ok, I know it might sound little and a wee bit stupid to have such small things as the beans sprouting to cheer me and to put a "song" in my heart but that is just how it be....with me~~~

Monday, June 2, 2008


I guess it is just one of those days. After all my bitchin' about the lack of sunshine we finally today have had sun all day. Not a cloud to be seen. So what is my problemo? Really, sometimes I think I may be just a chip off the old block(my Grandmother was a manic-depressed person). I just hope not! Well, on the more cheerful note. All the pups are wonderful today, my partner Jim had a nice bike ride, dinner is simmering on the stove top and yes, the sun is still shining brightly.
I actually know what the 'problemo " back injury is very sore today. Stiff & sore and it just gets to me sometimes till I can think of nothing happy. Only the pain. I promice to be a nicer, kinder, more happy Sam tomorrow. CIAO

Sunday, June 1, 2008

not too much longer!

Off to the garden center we go

It was suppose to be a nice sunny least that is what all 3 local network weathermen said. LIARS!! At6:30 AM we awoke to gusty winds and rolling dark clouds. After our 8:00 AM doggie walk with Peanut , Smeagol & Frodo we gave up on seeing the Sun , at least for this morning. Jim & I have decided to head out to one of our local fav garden center and peek at some plants and get some ideas. We orignally were going to see "SEX IN THE CITY" but thought it best to wait till mid-week when the rest of the world is at work. Ciao 4 now~~~~~~